Hello again and welcome! Today i'll be explaining the vast differences of the variations of the memes. Like art itself, things evolve in very strange ways, from improving what was already established, to making a counter-artistic movement as backlash from the old movement. Same happens with memes. They evolve, into different yet still enjoyable posts. These as a collective can just be considered memes, simple. But theres specific trends in the meme world that can fall off in different groups:
The Memes:
Lets get started on the easy one. These memes are the original inhabitants of the bizarre world, the veterans, the first "shitposters", the original 151 Pokémon...you get my point. These memes have been here since the dawn of te internet, and are very simple. they have this structure that has a picture that can be used for various reactions, and why you're reacting that way on the top and bottom of the picture on a text with "Impact" font. This is the core for all of the old memes, reactions to life expierences. They're normally all focused comedically. 
Nowadays these memes... well... they're completely obsolete, which is actually hilarious because corporations and normally people that aren't too fluent in the internet see this as the trendy new thing, while this died off YEARS AGO. And in come the Dank memes.
The Dank Memes:
After the virality of memes, they became so popular that the formula got diluted, it started changing and morphing into somethinf quite more... Cringy. That's the best word to describe it. The moment where you cringe your teeth because of how unironically bad the meme sounds and looks. That is cringy.
Because of these horrible memes, there started to be a huge backlash from the original community about them, and they created the counter-culture meme generation to save the memes from becoming extinct from the inside. They created the dank memes.
"Dank Memes” is an ironic expression used to describe memes that are intentionally bizarre or have exhausted their comedic value to the point of being cringy or cliché. In this context, the word “dank,” comes from the expression for high quality marijuana, is satirically used as a synonym for “cool"
So these memes are filled with irony, and makes fun of the old memes ironically, which is the core of the movement, but they also slightly changed into a whole different thing too. The new generations of memes to come embraced a different structure than the last one and made a whole different one reforming to the dank memes. This structure can be very different from each meme, but it's either:
When, followed by incident, underneath the reaction. These new reactions are never the same, unlike the old memes, they're just fitting and comical. They can be from any aspect of life, including offensive ones (These very ironical and racist memes, aren't made by racist people themselves, but just by people who don't like this obsession of political correctness)
Base of meme trend, followed by specific event that makes it funny, followed by a core picture used in the meme trend but edited so it correlates comically with the event.
Spicy Memes:
These memes are the next level to dank memes, Memes that are more than dank. They are the dankest of the dankest. They are so good that the burn your tongue. It’s spicy.